2020 has been an incredibly isolating and difficult year, to say the least, but also a year of coming together for mutual aid and galvanizing people power to reject expanding fascism. We know that regardless of election results and new administrations we face an uphill battle in the efforts to dismantle militarism and #DropTheMIC (military industrial complex) and anti-war veterans will have an important role to play in highlighting the oft hidden truth and demanding peace and justice.
Throughout this Veterans Day we shared brief videos and statements from our members that demonstrate the power of their stories and the importance of this community for supporting them to speak out.
The Obama years proved warmongering is a bipartisan endeavor but sometimes with Democrats in power it becomes quieter and much more difficult to raise awareness or garner funding for critical anti-war organizing from traditional sources. Please consider helping us to keep the momentum up by uplifting the voices of anti-war veterans and investing in our ongoing efforts to end the wars we participated in by contributing to our end of year fundraiser.
Meet Krystal Two Bulls, Zack Henson, Ksenia Voropaeva, and Olie Valenzuela-Nettell- veterans from different walks of life united by their commitment to ending militarism and colonialism.
Special thank you to Brian Buesnel for this mini-documentary which beautifully captures the stories of these amazing members and the heart of our community.